Membership Application Instructions Please fill out this application fully. Select An Option 1 to 10 Employees $255 Annually Chamber membership rates vary by the number of employees. If your business has 1 to 10 employees, please choose this category. 11 to 50 Employees $375 Annually Chamber membership rates vary by the number of employees. If your business has 11 to 50 employees, please choose this category. 51 Plus Employees $485 Annually Chamber membership rates vary by the number of employees. If your business has 51 or more employees, please choose this category. NFP (Not For Profit) / Registered Charity $170 Annually The Chamber recognizes the benefits to the community that charities, not for profit agencies, and government services provide and thus offers such organizations a discounted membership rate. Enter Contact Information Prefix (i.e. Mr. Mrs. Dr.) First Name Last Name Suffix (i.e Jr. Sr. III) Designations E-mail Family NameBusiness Name View Membership Terms Next Please select a valid membership option and fee item if exist Powered By GrowthZone